International Workshop on Classical Political Economy 2024 Programme, 13-14 March 2024

International Workshop on Classical Political Economy 2024 Programme will be held on 13-14 March 2024 at Rikkyo University. For more information, please click on "Conferences" in the menu above or "More Info" below.

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Masatomi FujimotoJohn VintTaro Hisamatsu


Routledge, 2023.

International Workshop on Classical Political Economy 2024 Programme

Date:13-14 March 2023,

Place:Tokyo, Rikkyo University, Build. No. 12, B1 & B2 Conference Rooms


(The Campus Map:



Provisional Programme

13 March 2024 (Wednesday)

10:00-10:05 Opening Remarks (Notice:10:00-12:15 at B3 & B4 Conference Rooms)

Yuji Sato (Rikkyo University, Tokyo, Japan)

10:05-11:05 ‘Smith, Ricardo and Sraffa: A Note’

Takashi Yagi (Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan)
Discussant: Yuji Sato (Rikkyo University, Tokyo, Japan)
Chair: Shigeki Tomo (Independent Scholar, Kyoto, Japan)

11:15-12:15 ‘The Growth Paths of Wages in Ricardo and J.S. Mill: The Arguments of Tax Theories’

Naoyuki Wakamatsu (Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan)
Discussant: Masatomi Fujimoto (Osaka Gakuin University, Osaka, Japan)
Chair: Ken Mizuta (Independent scholar, Tokyo, Japan)

12:15-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:00 ‘Rich Country Poor Country Debate and John Barton’

Joh Ishii (Kanto Gakuin University, Yokohama, Japan)
Discussant: Taro Hisamatsu (Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan)
Chair: Shinji Fukuda (Hirosaki University, Hirosaki, Japan)

15:00-15:20 Tea and Coffee
15:20-16:20 ‘Substituting Conjecture for Facts: Diderot's Justification of the Authority of Men over Women in L'Histoire des deux Indes’

Laurie Bréban (Université Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris, France)
Discussant: Kenta Ouji (University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan)
Chair: Kuniyasu Morioka (Osaka University of Commerce, Osaka, Japan)

16:30-17:30 ‘Les pays à finances avariées': Leroy-Beaulieu on Debt and Currency Troubles at the End of the 19th Century’

Javier San Julián Arrupe (Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain)
Discussant: Susumu Takenaga (Daito Bunka University, Tokyo, Japan)
Chair: Atsushi Naito (Otsuki City College, Otsuki, Japan)

18:00-20:00 Dinner


14 March 2024 (Thursday)
10:00-11:00 ‘On the Decline of Classical Political Economy in the Nineteenth Century’

Matthew Smith (University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia)
Discussant: Taichi Tabuchi (Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan)
Chair: Akihito Matsumoto (Matsuyama University, Matsuyama, Japan)

11:10-12:10 ‘On some Distinctive Features of the Critique of Political Economy in 19th Century France’

Gilbert Faccarello (Université Panthéon-Assas, Paris, France)
Discussant: Atsushi Masunaga (Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan)
Chair: Shigemasa Sato (Onomichi City University, Onomichi, Japan)

12:10-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:00 ‘J.S. Mill’s View on the Employment of Women: The Liberty of Competing in the Labour Market’

Tadahiro Yamao (Osaka University of Economics, Osaka, Japan)
Discussant: Keiko Funaki (Musashi University, Tokyo, Japan)
Chair: Masashi Izumo (Kanagawa University, Yokohama, Japan)

15:00-15:20 Tea and Coffee
15:20-16:20 ‘Impediments to Women’s Economic Thinking in the Victorian Economy: What Did This Mean for Economic Theories of the Family?’

Miriam Bankovsky (La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia)
Discussant: Yoshifumi Ozawa (Rissho University, Tokyo, Japan)
Chair: Yuh Fujita (Kushiro Public University of Economics, Kushiro, Japan)

16:30-17:30 ‘Reproduction and Family Limitation during the U.S. Progressive Era: The Analysis of Charlotte Perkins Gilman and Irving Fisher’

Rebeca Gomez Betancourt (Université Lumière Lyon 2, Lyon, France)
Discussant: Satoshi Yamazaki (Kochi University, Kochi, Japan)
Chair: Akira Nagamine (Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan)

17:30-17:35 Closing Remarks

Akira Nagamine (Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan)

18:00-20:00 Farewell Party

  • Power Point facilities available.
  • The edurome is available. Free Wi-Fi also available. (If you select "rikkyo-guest" as the wireless LAN connection destination, you can connect without authentication setting.)
  • The above schedule is subject to change.
  • This workshop is organized by the research project of the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) (KAKENHI 17H00982) of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) and Ricardo Society (Japan).